APM Notices
작성자 Korean Soc Anesthesiol . 등록일 2020-10-30
e-mail journal@anesthesia.or.kr 조회수 7685
첨부파일1 APM_Notice.pdf
1. Online manuscript review process and guidelines for submission

1) All manuscripts must be submitted through the online submission system (available at http://submit.anesthpain-med.org). Any inquiries about the manuscripts should be posted on the “Contacting Author” page, which is available to the right upon logging in. Specify the manuscript number, author, and corresponding author when posting an inquiry.

2) The corresponding author should be a faculty. The corresponding author will be notified by e-mail whenever there is any change in the status of a submitted manuscript, and any resubmission can only be made by the corresponding author.

3) Once the manuscript has been submitted and placed under review, the content or author information cannot be changed.

4) Before submitting the reviewed manuscripts, please ensure that the title page contains the author names, affiliations, and corresponding author information.

5) Failure to submit responses to comments by reviewers and editors, along with the revised manuscript, within 60 days will be considered as “no intention to publish,” and the review process will be terminated.

2. Mandatory English editing for Korean authors

APM has made English editing mandatory for manuscripts submitted on or after September 1, 2013. Authors are responsible for the cost of editing. For English manuscripts, please submit them to a professional editing service after acceptance and upload the edited file and certificate of editing in the manuscript submission system. Manuscripts edited by an individual and not through a professional editing service will not be accepted. Manuscripts submitted in Korean will be translated into English by the Society after acceptance, and Korean version will be published only on the website (www.anesth-pain-med.org).

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Business Name: Korean Society of Anesthesiologists (대한마취통증의학회)       Business Registration: 106-82-07194       Representative: Young-Tae Jeon (전영태)      Privacy Policy      Developed in M2PI